Tuesday, July 20

Of course, Of Course

There are days on my way into work when I'm not paying attention. I wasn't paying much attention this morning either, at first.

Nope, not here. Let's try this again.

Oooh, so close, but just missed him. One more time.

See him now?

What about now?
It's K Street. He's probably a lobbiest. Oh, and there's a cowboy in there somewhere, too. He's hiding behind the horse. I don't know why.


Diane (TT) said...

Fun! No such critters on my morning commute.

Anonymous said...

Somebody forgot to put the chain on the gate.


The Merry said...

Whoa, Nellie!

fectated -- what the barn looked like, i.e. the reason Nellie hoofed it

Anonymous said...

That is cool...

noise the horse hooves make on the pavement
